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Boards >> News >> Rules update

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Rules update
by Coffee

Profession: None
Level: 2

Posts: 23
Rules update
Due to massive multi-clienting players abusing game weaknesses, this specific rule has been reinforced:

3. Cheating
b) Intentional abuse of weaknesses in the gameplay, for example arranging objects or players in a way that other players cannot move them.

Reinforcing: on Tibia Old Server this rule will be strict, following mainly the below criteria:

Criterion 1: Low level players blocking paths shall be banned/deleted.
Criterion 2: Players using multi client and blocking paths, all the players with the same ip shall be banned/deleted.

Other criteria may be used depending on the situation. It will be analyzed by the staff member and the punishment decided.
14.12.19 02:23:07
Edited by Coffee
on 14.12.19 05:07:39
