Guild Wars System

Basic Information

This system makes all guilds to be at war with each other, without counting frags for any killings. All guilds are now participating in the war!


As an incentive for being in a guild, all guild members will receive 5% bonus on experience rate, which will work on top of other bonuses, such as the bonus of contributors account, and the daily raids bonus exp scrolls.

Joining a guild

If you join a guild, you will not be able to leave the guild for a period of 24 hours.

Leaving a guild

If you leave your guild, you will not be able to join another for a period of 24 hours.
The same applies for disbanding (deleting) a guild, which requires that all the players had joined at least 24 hours before it - It also applies for being able do kick a player from the guild.

Anti-Maker Protection System

You can kill a lower level, specifically, 50% or lower than your level, and don't get any frags with this system.

Also, instead of dying, the low level players will be teleported to temple. They will not lose experience, skills, items or blessings. And you will not have a protection zone lock status longer than 60 seconds.

For the low level player to be protected from death, he cannot have White Skull or Red Skull, if he does, he will die in the usual way.


1) The killer must be next to at least 2 members of his guild on his screen, totaling 3 guild members counting the killer.

2) The low level player must have an equal or lower level than half the level of the killer. Otherwise, he will die in the usual way.

If these two conditions are met, the killer will not pick up any frag, and the victim will get protected from death.

Hope you enjoy the new system,

And let the war begin!

This page will be updated with images and more details soon.